Writing // Richmond

Snapshots in poetry: my journey as laureate

Since being appointed Poet Laureate of Richmond, I’ve been approached a lot about making appearances, showing up in schools, and representing the literary community–which is all very exciting and gratifying–but it’s important to me to remember that the poems are what the work is all about at heart. On this page I’ll be posting at least one poem a month about some aspect of the city–something going on or something I’ve experienced. I’ll be posting them in real time, as they’re written, so they’ll be fresh and maybe sometimes raw drafts. It’s my commitment to me and to you to be a voice of and for the community, in whatever way I can. (And whenever the City updates the “official” poet laureate website, I’ll see about getting them posted over there, for better or for worse to be a part of the permanent record!)

The First Two Weeks of April

The city was struck with violence especially during the first half of this month. Between March 31 and April 15, several shootings in Richmond left four public school students among the dead. During a River City Poets workshop on contemporary forms, we discussed how using formal poetry can help provide…

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